Hellope World

This is the source code for the tradition _Hello World _program.

// This is a comment, which is ignored by the compiler

#import "fmt.odin"; // This is an importation of a file which will be explained later

// This is the main procedure, the entry point for this program
main :: proc() {
    // The statements here will be executed when the compiled binary is executed

    // Print text to the console
    fmt.println("Hellope, world!);

println is a procedure which is defined the core library file fmt.odin.

A binary can be made using the Odin compiler:

E:\ odin build hello.odin

This will produce a hello.exe executable.

E:\ hello.exe
Hellope, world!

A binary can be generated and immediately execute with run

E:\ odin run hello.odin
Hellope, world!

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